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The League of Women Voters of Dakota County is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences policy through education and advocacy. We meet monthly and also host candidate forums, issue forums, and other events of interest to the community. Please attend one of our meetings or contact us for more information!


LWV Dakota County members, members of other local Leagues, and thousands of others will participate in the March for Our Lives rally Saturday, March 24 in St. Paul. Attendees will demand action from our leaders and fight for an America that is free from gun violence.

A student march will proceed from Harriet Island to the Capitol starting at 9:30 a.m. and the rally at the Capitol will begin at 11 a.m. Due to the size of the event and space limitations on Harriet Island, organizers are asking that only students participate in the march and that others join them at the rally at the Capitol. LWV Dakota County volunteers will be registering voters at the event.

LWV Dakota County volunteers were able to assist 46 students in completing voter registration forms today at Eagan High School. The voter registration drive was precipitated by an invitation from Eagan High School students. 6 LWV Dakota County volunteers spent a combined total of over 11 hours registering new voters.

Thanks to each of our volunteers, the students, and the school for allowing us to participate. Way to go!

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