The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the world in ways we never imagined. It is time to listen to the experts so everyone will be safe and healthy. To that end, the League of Women Voters of Dakota County (LWVDC) is assessing our upcoming meetings, services and events. Some will be canceled, while others may be postponed or take place in an alternate format. The leadership team and other volunteers will continue to look for creative solutions for education and outreach.
Current LWVDC updates:
CANCELED: Tuesday, April 7th, LWVDC Member/Public Meeting
CHANGED: Monday, April 20th, LWVDC LT Meeting will be via conference call instead of an in-person meeting
CANCELED: Wednesday, April 22nd, voter registration at School of Environmental Studies
CANCELED: Tuesday, May 5th, LWVDC Member/Public Meeting
Additional high school voter registration events are scheduled in May. We will be monitoring the situation and working with our partner schools to determine any changes or cancellations that may be required.
In the meantime, if you're looking for ways to get involved and have your voice heard, consider the following:
Check out LWV Minnesota’s Action Alerts.
Call your elected officials to let them know your position on the issues.
Read the latest issue of LWV Minnesota's Capitol Letter.
Attend LWV Minnesota’s scheduled video meeting Capitol Chat on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 7:00-8:30 pm. The Capitol Chat is an opportunity for League members and members of the public to hear from LWV Minnesota staff on what is happening at the Capitol. This will be an opportunity for League members and the public to ask questions as well. Pre-registration is helpful, but not required.
In this very fluid situation, with new information coming out almost daily, we will continue to keep you informed of cancellations and changes. If you have any questions, please contact us via our website or via email.
Most importantly, please take care of yourself, your family, your neighbors, and friends. We are in this together. Thank you!
Linde Gassman, Membership Coordinator
on behalf of the Leadership Team