Dakota County is providing free travel training to help older adults and people with disabilities increase their mobility and independence. The training teaches individuals and groups about public and private transportation options and how to use them. The public is invited to attend a free one-hour forum to learn more about the training and how to use public and private transportation. The forums will be:
Tuesday, June 5, at 5 p.m., at Pleasant Hill Library in Hastings;
Wednesday, June 6, at 6 p.m., at Burnhaven Library in Burnsville;
Thursday, June 14, at 2 p.m. at Heritage Library in Lakeville; and
Monday, June 25, at 2 p.m., at the Dakota County Northern Service Center, Room 110.
For questions about the forums or to schedule a training session, contact Robyn at traveltraining@co.dakota.mn.us or 651-203-0183.