March 1, 2022 Meeting - The Equal Rights Amendment

Join us via Zoom for our March 2022 meeting! The featured topic will be the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). With the passage of the ERA in Virginia in 2020, renewed discussion began about the proposed amendment. To learn more we will be joined by special guest Suzann Willhite from ERA Minnesota to discuss what the ERA is, its history, why it matters, the current status of the amendment, and its next steps.

Suzann Willhite is the current president of ERA Minnesota. She has been involved in human rights, voting rights, politics, elections, and a variety of other issues for many years. In 2016 she focused on enacting the ERA as a foundational federal and state constitutional right needed for all persons. Equality of legal rights for all persons is a core value for her.

The meeting is free and open to all who wish to attend. Nonmembers may register here. A Zoom link will be emailed on the day of the meeting.