Observer Corps Report - 1/15/2019 Dakota County Community Services Committee Meeting

Observer Corps reports are submitted by LWV Dakota County members that volunteer their time to observe and take notes at government meetings of interest to Dakota County residents. While we strive for accuracy, these observations may be incomplete or inaccurate in some respects.

Meeting Agenda and Materials
Meeting Minutes

Additional Meeting Materials

Meeting Summary: New employees were warmly introduced and given time to share what they will be doing for the County. Career Success Programs were introduced and discussed. Priority is given to vocational readiness throughout the County. Needs are increasing in the areas of mental health, foster care, work force development, and social work. Kelly Harder addressed the employee and community concerns as a result of the current federal government shutdown. The annual point-in-time homeless count will be conducted in Dakota County on January 23. Kelly also addressed the overtime needs as a result of the current shutdown and what services are partnered with the federal government. There was positive feedback from the Commissioners after youth participants spoke about the benefits of the mentor programs they have been a part of.